More Thoughts on the Strange Case of Girafa

Just happened to see this work by the just-arrested Girafa on a train side-lined in Menlo Park. Note the slogan, Long Neck 4 Life.Here’s a less typical example from the same train. HereĀ is an article about the arrest of Girafa, AKA Steven Free. They’re charging him with $40,000 in damages, holding him on a $100,000 […]

Girafa Arrested!

GIrafa behind bars, indeed. SFist has the scoop here. Complex issue. Lots of taggers are just vandals. Girafa, like Basquiat and Keith Haring, is a fine artist. Some people, with crowbars and saws, were able to take home graffiti by Basquiat and Haring, and later sell them for tens of thousands of dollars. I guess, […]

Requiem for a Blog

One of my favorite blogs was TenderloinTales on Tumblr. It was written by a young lady who lives in the Tenderloin, and hangs out with the Vietnam vets, recent immigrants, and alcoholics and addicts of various sorts. She favors a drink from time to time herself. She wrote about all of the above, and of […]