A Young Man’s Wish

A pretty girl + a fast, shiny car = what every young man wants, just about. It’s a formula often exploited, here to sell raffle tickets.A photo shoot was going on, and I managed to poach a few shots.It was fascinating to watch the model strike poses, and purse her lips, and do a hundred […]

I Used To Jam With Those Guys

You know how things go in bands. After a while, people go in different musical directions.Mr. Half Moon Bass player got on my nerves. I mean I like Motley Crue as much as the next guy, but EVERY practice, ‘Girls Girls Girls’, ‘Dr. Feelgood’… enough already!Then the drummer says, “my cousin really burns, I’m going […]

Sunday Streets on 3rd Street

On sunday, much of 3rd street was closed for the Sunday Streets program. People biked, walked, and rollerbladed deep into the Bayview district.DJ Trike was there, as always, blasting tunes. I believe he did the whole route at least 4 times. It ain’t easy pedaling that big tricycle with the bangin’ sound system up and […]