SF Open Studios, Fall 2010, part 4

When fixing up her studio, this artist took up some tacking strip, which she then made into a flower. Originally from Brazil, this artist was particularly friendly and happy. The award for most original method goes to this gentleman. He burns wood with rolls of molten glass! He had a video of the making of […]

Viva Los Gigantes!!!

I know Coit Tower is lit in orange in honor of the Gaints being in the World Series, but it looks like there’s some orange on a couple of other buildings too, and maybe the tip top of the Transamerica Pyramid? You can click on the picture to see it full size. If you know […]

Four Sweet Rides

Illustrated van in the Dogpatch neighborhood. The other side of the same van. 1960s Econoline pickup. Super sweet. 1950s Oldsmobile. Wish I could’ve counseled them before the re-paint- color is wrong. Elgin Pelican: hard to park, but a real moneymaker. This guy has a great job- sweeping the leafy streets of Palo Alto, streets named […]